Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday February 28, 2011

In Class:

*Went over Friday's in class assignment/homework on 4 problems in the Pacific
*Went over problem/solution flow map examples and homework directions


1. Problem/Solution Flowmap example due tomorrow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday February 25, 2011

In Class:

*Collected intersession homework (3 articles and worksheet from Achieve 3000/TeenBiz)
*Collected student reflection from Term 4
*Went over Problems in the Pacific worksheet and 1 of 4 readings together in class. Students had the rest of the time to complete the other 3 readings.


1. Complete Problems in the Pacific worksheet and all 4 readings. Problems in the Pacific worksheet and readings

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday February 3, 2011

Last day of the term!

Thanks to all that donated to the American Heart Association. K7 collected over $4,000.00!

In Class:

*Reflection for Term 4


1. Intersession work due 1st day back! Please search for articles!

Problem/Solution Intersession Work

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday February 2, 2011

In Class:

*Survey on SQS (Parents will be getting an envelope to fill out for the school SQS)
*Returned student work
*Went over intersession homework (Please check tomorow for homework assignment posting)


1. Read TeenBiz article "The Power of Heat." Will be checking by 11:00 pm tonight. Do only the multiple choice
2. Give parents SQS surveys to fill out and return via mail
3. Bring binders tomorrow to social studies
4. Intersession assignment due first day back from break (Start on 1st day of break!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday February 1, 2011

In Class:

*Students took final summative for Term 4
*Collect dance for heart donations


1. Turn in final Dance for Heart donations tomorrow