Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday September 27, 2010

Monday September 27, 2010


No homework for the intersession. However, students have a math packet to complete before coming back for term 3 and they also have an AR project during the intersession as well.

Enjoy your break!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday September 24, 2010 

Fun Night was awesome!  Sorry for the late blog.  The students had a great time and they really enjoyed the dance.  Thank you DJ Yee!

In Class:

*Completed all research topic presentations.  Lots of food items.  


1. No homework

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday September 23, 2010

4:30 to 8:15 
Please pick up at front parking lot.  Need to come to the hula room (Holomua) or weight room (Kaizen) to claim your child

In Class:

*Presentations on cultural research
*Collected ballads


1. Remaining cultural research presentation tomorrow

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday September 22, 2010

In Class:

*Social Studies Summative Assessment


1. Prepare for cultural research presentation.  (Bring in note-taking guide, thinking map and pictures if you are making a cultural dish) - no store bought items.

2. Plantation Ballad due tomorrow

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday September 21, 2010

In Class:

*Plantation review with students for summative tomorrow
*Passed out final draft for ballad for students to use (also went over rubric for expectations of research project)
*Reviewed learning centers


1. Revise ballad (due on Thursday)
2. Study for school summative for tomorrow on the plantation
3. Prepare for research presentation on Thursday and Friday
What's due: a. note-taking guide b.thinking map (web) c. be prepared d. pictures (if you are making a food item)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20, 2010

Schedule for this week: Tuesday: Review for School Summative; Wednesday: School Summative; Thursday and Friday: Cultural Demonstrations

In Class:

*Mr. Oyama's class finished learning center #6 today (Study hall or finishing up learning centers for Mr. Wong)
*Mr. Wong's and Mr. Oyama's class turned in learning centers #5 & 6
*Checked ballads and gave feedback.  (Students should be using specific information from the learning centers instead of general info. to get a better grade.  Plantation workers got paid differently is general compared to Filipino cane cutters received $.69 pay compared to Japanese who got $.99.)


1. Work on ballads (Due Thursday)
2. Work on cultural project research
3. Cultural Demonstrations on Thursday and Friday (Wong's A-L will go Thursday and M-Z on Friday-last names) (Mr. Oyama's notified students in his class as well.)

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 16, 2010 Friday

In class today:

1. Finished Station #5 and started #6 (Mr. Oyama's)/ Mr. Wong's finished #5 & #6.

2. Checked Ballad summative, gave students feedback on how to improve.

3. Students should have their 1st 4 stations returned to them, they can use these to help them complete summative ballad.


1. Station #5 for Oyama, Stations #5 & #6 for Wong.

2. Research chart for Part II (see yesterday's blog to download). Begin/continue research on topic.

3. Complete Plantation Ballad (Wong only)

Presentations will be on Thursday and Friday of next week.

Final Ballad will be due Thursday.

School Summative on Wednesday.  Start thinking about the inequities, assimilation and cultural diffusion that went on in the plantations.  Look at learning centers (worksheets) and go to learning stations to fix inaccuracies on your worksheets.

FYI: 6 more days of school left for term 2.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday September 16, 2010

1 week left of school.  School summative coming up next Wednesday!  Part 1 of take home summative (ballad) due Thursday and Part 2 of summative (research project about a culture) will be due Thursday and Friday (demonstrations)

In Class:

*Collected research project proposals and handed back to students
*Collected learning center #3
*Students went to learning center #4 and part of #5


1. Get parent approval for Part 2 of summative (research project)
2. Learning center #4 due tomorrow
3. Complete 2nd stanza of ballad by tomorrow (depends on learning center student went to already)

September 16, 2010 Thursday

1 week left of school. School summative coming up next Wednesday!
Part 1 of take home summative (ballad) due Thursday and Part 2 of summative (research project about a culture) will be due Thursday and Friday (demonstrations)
In class today:

1. Students traveled to stations #4 and station #5.

2. Mr. Wong's students received their research charts for their cultural sharing, Mr. Oyama's will receive them tomorrow.

3. By tomorrow, all students should have parent's approval of project and begin their research.

1. Complete Station #4.

2. By tomorrow 2 stanzas of the Plantation Life ballad should be completed. Students need to make sure that they are including information for the stanza and details.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday September 15, 2010

In class:

*Gave students extra time to go back to learning center #3
*Went over tips on how to do the ballad for the take home summative
*Went over Part 2 Summative Research Topic (Students need to be specific on their topic: Example is Foods, but what type of food?) - Being specific will help the students generate the 5 burning questions they have about their topic
*Returned learning center #1
*Students given time to work on their learning centers, their topic research or their ballad


1. Complete learning center #3 by tomorrow
2. 1 stanza of ballad is due tomorrow (stanza depends on which learning center student went to)
3. Research topic due tomorrow

(Note: See previous days blogs for learning center handouts, summative handouts (Part 1 and 2)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010 Tuesday

In class today:
1. Moved on to the 2nd plantation station for the first 30 minutes.
2. Started on 3rd plantation station. We will continue with the 3rd station tomorrow.

Plantation worksheets are posted on Monday's blog.

1. Finish the 2nd plantation station worksheet.
2. Continue with part 2 - Topic research and 5 "burning" questions. Students by now should have a specific topic that they will be researching ex. Judo, not Sport.

For track/team yearbook pictures, please wear black shirt tomorrow!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Septermber 13, 2010

Today in class:

1. Students started their first learning station for our Plantation Unit. For the next several days, they will be moving to different learning stations about plantation life in Hawaii. Homework for each day will be the completion of at least 1 station.

2. Students also received the description of Part 2 of the Plantation summative. This is a research project on a particular aspect of one of the following immigrants groups: Puerto Rico, Japan, China, Korea, Okinawa, Phillipines, Portugal.


1. Finish Station 1 worksheet. Plantation Center Scorecard will be given to students when the 1st station worksheet is returned.  Learning Station Worksheets: Jobs and Wages, Plantation Pidgin, What they brought, Traditions, Plantation Video, and Ethnic Foods

2. Start initial research for Part 2.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday September 10, 2010

Progress Reports due today.  Please ask your child if you did not see it yet.

In Class:

*Finished watching "Picture Bride"
*Went over Plantation Learning Centers and expectations for worksheets
*Went over take home summative for the plantation unit (Students will not be able to work on the take home summative until they start their learning centers).  The take home is having students create a poem (Ballad), where they tell a story about the plantation using poetry.


1. None

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9, 2010

Progress Reports handed out today!

In Class:

*Continued watching "Picture Bride"


1. Get progress reports signed and returned

2. Study for converting fractions into decimals and hundredths (Mr. Wong's class only) - Test in Ms. Miyamae's class tomorrow.  Study your practice sheets.  (See yesterday's blog for answers)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday September 8, 2010

In Class:

Mr. Oyama's class went over the school summative.  Papers were passed back.

Mr. Wong's class review converting fractions into decimals and into hundredths.
(Click for worksheet and answer sheet)


1. K Fit worksheet due tomorrow.

2. Study converting fractions into decimals and hundredths (Mr. Wong) - Test in Ms. Miyamae's class on Friday.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010

In Class:

*Collected take home summatives (Was the Mahele that Great?)
*Passed out Plantation Unit Overview for the next 3 weeks (Students will be learning about the plantations) - Concepts to know: inequity, cultural diffusion and assimilation
*Watched video "Picture Bride." Students took notes and tried to find examples of the concepts.


1. None

*Mr. Wong's class (Recess Review students: Answers to add/subtract fractions)

Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3, 2010 Friday

Most of our students attended the Dr. Rhoades session in the cafeteria from 8:30 to 10:00. As a result the cores for all classes were shortened to approximately 28 minutes.

Progress Reports go home next Thursday!  Please check with your child.

In class today:


2. Went over summative take home project: Was the Mahele that Great?  Students will need to explain whether the Mahele was that great or not and which group benefitted or did not benefit.  Tree map only.  Please fill out all boxes and explain your reasoning with supporting details from your exhibits.


1. Seat and Desk claims reflection due Monday. (Oyama only)

2. Was the Mahele that Great take home summative due Tuesday. (Both Oyama and Wong)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2, 2010 Thursday

In class today:

1. Took Mahele summative in class.

2. Passed out Seat and Desk Claims reflection.

3. Worked on Thinking Map Portion of reflection in class.


Complete Seat and Desk Claims Reflection.

Addition and Subtraction test tomorrow in math (Mr. Wong)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010 Wednesday

*Summative tomorrow over what caused the Mahele, what was the Mahele, and what were the Social, Political and Economic effects of the Mahele.
In class today:

1. Returned Multi-Flow Maps of Effects of Mahele - Students are to revise and include information that was missing. Oyama
Students also should be revising or have revised their Flow Map of the Mahele (HW that was due this past Monday). Oyama

1. Reviewed math Add & Subtract Fractions. Wong
2. Reviewed for summative. Wong

1. Study for summative - What was the Mahele? What were the causes of the Mahele? and What were some of the social, political, and economic effects on the maka'ainana as a result of the Mahele. Mahele Review and Answers to Review

2. "Adverse Possession Law" kicks in for Mr. Oyama's classes tomorrow for seat/desk claims.