Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

In Class today:
1. Read pages 46-47 in Pacific Islands Textbook (unavailable on blog) and pages 48-49. Completed worksheet on readings.

Students are to take notes on the different types of governments (9) - main features of each, brief description. Do not do chart page (2nd page of document) for HW, we will be completing this in class tomorrow.

Last day of term 5 is tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday March 30, 2011

In Class:

*School summative taken in class



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday March 29, 2011

In Class:

*Gallery Walk with Mr. Oyama and Mr. Wong's classes (rated display boards)
*Rated group members


1. Study for school summative (bring resources from your research)
2. Rating worksheet of partner due tomorrow

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday March 28, 2011

In Class:

*Last day to complete display boards


1. Study for school summative on Wednesday. Bring in resources that day that was handed back to you today.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011

In Class:

*Worked on display boards


1. Display boards due on Monday (end of class). Cut and paste anything you need or retype info. that is needed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

In Class:

*Worked on display boards


1. Work on display boards (cutting and pasting, revising, visual aid)

Display board deadline extended to next Monday. Students have worked really hard on the boards.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday March 22, 2011

In Class:

*Display board construction


1. Work on display board. Thursday is the deadline.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday March 21, 2011

In Class:


*Worked on display boards


*Collected final draft of Problem/Solution research paper
*Worked on display boards (getting approval, cutting and pasting, etc)


1. Work on display board (Fix up formatting to be consistent with partners, work on information being displayed on board, work on visual aid of board, print out titles, etc.)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday March 18, 2011

In Class:


*Prepped for display boards. Looked at information needed, pictures needed and started thinking about visual aid.


*Students started to analyze the best solution between themselves and started to think about visual aid for their display board.
*Gave feedback on their information going on the display board. The fonts, style, and formatting should be the same. If students are comparing the costs, it should only be about the cost comparison and nothing else.



1. Bring in all text for display boards and pictures.


1. Final paper due on Monday: cover page, problem paragraph, criteria that was used, solution 1 & 2 paragraphs, best solution paragraph and bibliography. (I will also be collecting all resources used)
2. Display boards should be brought in by Monday.
3. Come to class with visual aid materials.
(Note: Please follow yellow template when revising solution paragraphs which we did in class last week. Also, make sure you find answers to the aesthetics, environmental impact, costs of solution and how effective your solution is.)

Again, how effective is basically how much trash is diverted b/c of your solution or how much energy is produced b/c of your solution, etc.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday March 17, 2011

In Class:

*Partners had time to work on their partner display boards (planning stages) (Wong & Oyama)
*Returned work with feedback for corrections (Wong) and progress reports


1. Partner display board titles, subheadings, information and pictures needed for class tomorrow (see agenda from previous days blogs)
2. Get parent signature on progress reports
3. Display boards needed by Monday (latest)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday March 16, 2011

In Class:

*Prepared for partner display board section of IDU. Partners worked to identify problem and find pros and cons of solutions 1 & 2


1. Bring supplies (glue sticks and scissors)
2. Get parent signature for parent letter regarding IDU display board (Wong only)
3. Print out problem and examples, criteria section and solutions 1 & 2 (typed)

Parent letter and display board organizer can be found in yesterday's blog.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday March 15, 2011

In Class:

*Worked on best solution analysis in Mr. Wong's class (canary yellow paper in IDU packet)
*Students will need to write out their best solution paragraph using organizer next (blue sheet given in class) - best solution go

*Went over partner display board requirements


Wong's: Core 3 & 4: Best Solution paragraph typed out due tomorrow

Oyama's: Get parent signature on display board info. sheet (Display Board Letter) (Display Board Organizer)

Note: Mr. Wong & Mr. Oyama is at different places of the project because of HSA testing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday March 14, 2011

In Class:

*Worked on Best Solution Paragraph (analysis); Explained that students will need to work on blue organizer to organizer afterwards before typing out Best Solution Pararaph.


Oyama's: Best Solution Paragraph due tomorrow

Wong: Core 1 & 2: Best Solution Paragraph due tomorrow (turn in during recess on table outside of Mr. Wong's class)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday March 10, 2011

In Class:


*Worked on bibliography (refer to
*Collected solution 1 final draft


*Collected final draft of problem paragraph
*Referred students to
*AR reading why solutions 1 & 2 were looked at (students still missing information: how does solution work, how does solution look, cost of solution, how effective is the solution, how does solution affect the environment)


Oyama: Solution #2 final draft due tomorrow and bibliography due

Wong: Solution 1 & 2 final draft due tomorrow and bibliography due (typed out)

How effective is solution? We should see numbers in this section.

How many barrels of oil is saved? How much electricity produced and how many homes can it cover? How much trash is diverted from landfills? How much water is saved or produced? How fast is food produced and how much grown?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday March 9, 2011

In Class:

*Returned solution and problem paragraphs
*Went over organizer template with students to help them write better solution paragraphs (students will need to research tonight information that they are missing)


Mr. Wong: Problem paragraph (final draft due tomorrow); Solutions 1 & 2 final draft due Friday (complete yellow template and find missing information)

Mr. Oyama: Solution 1 & 2 due tomorrow

Solution Template

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday March 8, 2011

In Class:

*Time in class to work on getting information for Solution 2


1. Solution 2 is due tomorrow. Typed Out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday March 7, 2011

In Class:

*Collected solution #1 paragraph and resources
*Time in class to collect information on solution 2


1. Bring in resource(s) for solution #2 based on what you researched today
2. Solution #2 paragraph due Wednesday

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday March 4, 2011

In Class:

*Given class time to work on final day of solution 1 research
*Option to start working on solution 1 organizer write up
*Collected problem paragraph today
*Explained expectations for solution 1 paragraph (Do not discuss the pros and cons, but state the facts that you researched on. For example, what is the cost of the solution? what was the impact to the environment?, etc.)


1. Solution 1 organizer needs to be done first (organize your thoughts and ideas)
2. Type out solution #1
3. Bring in 2 resources for solution #2 by Monday


WHAT IS THE COST OF YOUR SOLUTION? (You should have number here. What is the $ amount?)
HOW EFFECTIVE IS YOUR SOLUTION? (You should have numbers here. Example is how much water saved?)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday March 3, 2011

In Class:

*Students given time to work on solution information chart (Solution 1)
*Checked progress of students. Students need to make sure solution 1 is currently happening in Hawaii and not just an idea.


1. Bring in more resources about solution 1 by tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day students will be given time to work on solution 1 information gathering. They will need to work on it on the weekend.

2. Problem paragraph or Problem Powerpoint slide #1 due tomorrow. See pink sheet in packet which students filled out earlier this week.

IDU Packet

Solution Information Sheet

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2, 2011

In Class:

*Checked for parent signature, problem tree map completion and 1 resource about solution
*Gave students time in class to work on reading about solution from resource and filling information chart in class

Problems: Students not coming to class with a solution that Hawaii is currently using today or not coming at all with a resource even though 1 website for each of the problems were given


1. Come to class with 2nd resource or more about solution 1 (again, this should be information about a solution that Hawaii is currently doing now). Students found they needed more info. regarding costs, how their solution would affect the environment and how well their solution works.

2. Due this Friday, problem paragraph. If you are doing a regular research report, put problem in paragraph form. If you are doing a Powerpoint presentation, your 1st slide is due Friday as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday March 1, 2011

In Class:

*Went over problem solution flow chart (examples) - emphasis on criteria and making decisions
*Went over IDU: Problem Solved! Expectations for each core class. (Packed will be on the blog tomorrow)
*Assigned island and problem to students


1. Problem tree map due tomorrow (pink paper)
2. Bring in 1 resource for a solution by tomorrow. Must be information about the solution. Solution should be an example that Hawaii currently uses that will help the island's problem.